
Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Orasi Kebangsaan Dahlan Iskan dalam

PALEMBANG, Rabu 06/12/12 Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Ikatan Pelajar Nahdlatul Ulama (IPNU) dan Ikatan Pelajar Putri Nahdlatul Ulama (IPPNU) mengadakan KONGRES IPNU XVII dan IPPNU XVI di Asrama Haji Palembang Sulawesi Selatan. KONGRES yang diselenggarakan selama lima hari ini dimulai dari tanggal 30 November – 04 Desember 2012. Di hari pertama, tanggal 01 Desember pembukaan KONGRES ini dibuka dengan beberapa seni budaya daerah sulawesi selatan dan juga sambutan dari figur-figur Nahdliyyin seperti Ketua Bapak Dahlan Iskan, Direktur Utama Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN).
Dengan mengusung tema “Pendidikan Untuk Semua Menuju Kemandirian Bangsa” dalam  pembukaan KONGRES IPNU XVII dan IPPNU XVI kali ini, Dahlan Iskan berkesempatan untuk memaparkan orasi kemerdekaannya. Beliau sedikit banyak memaparkan tentang kepemimpinan dalam kacamata NU. Dalam momentum yang bertepatan dengan berakhirnya kepengurusan Pimpinan Pusat masa bakti 2009 – 2012 dan akan dilaksanakannya pemilihan Ketua Umum masa bakti 2012 – 2015, bapak mentri BUMN ini menjelaskan bahwa hal yang paling krusial ketika menjadi pemimpin adalah integritas dan akhlaqul karimah. Pengalaman hidup beliau dapat kita jadikan acuan atau motifasi dalam memimpin kelak. Seorang santri yang hanya lulusan Madrasah Aliyah (MA) ini dipercaya oleh bapak negara, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menjadi Direktur Umum Pembangkit Listrik Negara (PLN) karena Leadership dan Managemen yang beliau pelajari dari Pondok Pesantren sesama beliau masih di bangku sekolah.
Dalam orasinya, beliau menjelaskan bahwa sepanjang kita memperhatikan tiga hal yaitu Istiqomah, Ilmu Mantiq dan tawadhu’ maka insyaallah akan menjadi pemimpin yang amanah. Selain itu, hal yang lebih penting untuk diperhatikan dalam mendapatkan hasil kerja yang maksimal dari sebuah organisasi adalah tergantung pada pemimpin yang mempunyai integritas tinggi. Menurut beliau integritas tinggi harus dibarengi dengan adanya akhlaq, karena akhlaq lebih tinggi derajatnya dari pada hukum. Hal ini dikuatkan dengan adanya hadits Nabi.
Pesan terakhir untuk pemimpin terpilih IPNU dan IPPNU masa bakti 2012 – 2015 adalah tetap menjaga akhlakul karimah sebagai warga Nahdliyyin karena jika Akhlaq kita baik maka Negara ini akan mejadi baik pula. Red.

Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Kartini ala IPPNU Kota Yogya

Talk Show Kartini ala IPPNU Yogya
Yogyakarta, (21/04/2012) Peringatan hari Kartini kali ini terasa berbeda dibanding dengan taun-taun sebelumnya bagi saya karena kali ini saya, sebagai kader IPPNU Kota Yogyakarta, memperingati hari Kartini dengan mengadakan TalkShow IPPNU dengan tema “Aktualisasi Perjuangan Kartini di Masa Kini Sebagai Upaya untuk Menjunjung Peran Kaum Perempuan”. Talkshow yang diadakan di Gedung PWNU Yogyakarta ini berlangsung mulai pukul 09.30 WIB sampai 11.45. Dengan menghadirkan dua pembicara yang notabene juga kader dari keluarga besar PWNU Kota Yogyakarta yaitu Rekanita Munawwaroh, Mahasiswi UIN Sunan Kalijaga jurusan Fisika yang juga Aktivis di berbagai bidang pergerakan wanita, dan Muyassarotul hafidzoh, Penulis, Jurnalis sekaligus Ibu rumah tangga, mereka memaparkan tentang sejarah dan perjuangan-perjuangan Kartini pada masanya. Hal ini memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap kader IPPNU Yogyakarta karena Talkshow Kartini IPPNU Yogyakarta kali ini berlangsung dengan komunikatif dan inspiratif. Bukan hanya dari kedua pembicaranya yang mendeskripsikan penjelasan R. A. Kartini secara jelas, akan tetapi dari rekanita-rekanita IPPNU pun sangat antusias dengan penjelasan yang mereka paparkan dan akhirnya diskusi berjalan dengan komunikatif dengan banyaknya rekanita yang bertanya. Hal tersebut mungkin karena temanya yang begitu dekat dengan kehidupan wanita kkhususnya dan kader IPPNU khususnya. Banyak informasi yang kita dapatkan dari Talksow Kartini ini di antaranya yaitu kita bisa mengetahui siapa sebenarnya R. A Kartini dan bagaimana proses perjuangan beliau untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak wanita sehingga beliau sampai sekarang tercatata dalam sejarah sebagai Pahlawan Pelopor Kebangkitan Perempuan Pribumi. Sosok kartini selama berjuang, beliau menggunakan pemikiran rasionalnya untuk menunjukkan perubahan yang sekarang ini kita, para wanita, mendapat perlakuan sama dengan laki-laki. Semua yang telah dilakukan Kartini pada masanya tanpa kita sadari kita pun telah ikut serta mengimplementasikan dan mengembangkan apa yang beliau lakukan. Wanita berkecimpung di dunia Organisasi adalah salah satu cara kita untuk merealisaskian untuklebih berani menghadapi tantangan zaman di masa depan dan masa kini dan kita lah, para wanita, sebenarnya sekarang yang patut di beri apresiasi sebagai “Kartini Modern”. Dan mengutip dari kalimat rekanita Munawwaroh, pembicara,  yaitu “Jangan hanya menjadi NU jamaah tapi jadilah Nu yang  jamiah” yang berarti bukan semata-mata almamater yang kita punya akan tetapi memahami apa isi dari almamater yang kita punya. Talkshow Kartini edisi spesial IPPNU Kota Yogyakarta ini memberikan kesan inspiratif. Capailah pendidikan setinggi mungkin untuk mencapai apa yang kita impikan dan bisa menginspirasi orang-orang yang ada di sekitar kita. Semangat Kartini Modern (Masa Kini).

Rabu, 11 April 2012


Quiz Prose 1
I.                Subtance of Fiction

Determine the statements below by placing true (T) or false (F)        Fiction, narrative text or narrative discourse, the structural and semiotic approach to the understanding of the literary prose.T
·       fiction tells the various problems of human life in its interactions with the environment and each other with self-interaction, and interaction with God. T
·       According to Abrams, Fiction and the Novel is a term often synonymous. T
·       According Nurgiyantoro, though fictitious, it is considered a work of fiction a meredaydream. F
·       There is no specific classification within a work of fiction. F

I.                Distinction Fiction

Explain clearly and short.

·       Mention at least three differences between novels and short stories?
o   The stories longer than short stories
o   Serve something more details and complex.
o   Consist of more than one theme

§  The stories shorter than novels
§  Serve something not details.
§  Consist of one theme only

·       Mention at least three differences between the serious novel of the popular novel?
o   Serve experience and problem in complex story  and intensive about life.
o   Not only give entertainment but also give an important experience to the readers or invite  the readers to contemplate about the problem in the story.
o   Always interesting to be read. For example: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Belenggu, etc.
§  Serve experience and problem not intensive.
§  Just to entertain the readers
§  Usually, interesting in his era only.
II.              Elements of fiction

·       it things that will be told in a work of fiction that includes characters (characters), plot and setting is a sense of....

a.     Fact of Story
b.     Theme of Story

·       state of the individual subjectivity of the author who has the attitude, beliefs and outlook on life, an element of......

a.     extrinsic
b.     intrinsick

·       matters of love, love, longing, fear, death, religious, and so forth, is an example......

a.     The story media
                              b.   Theme of story

·       below are the elements of fiction, except....

                              a. Intrinsic, ekstrinsic, fact, plot, story media, discourse dan fiction.
b.     Intrinsic dan extrinsic, fact, theme, story media, story dan discourse.

·       Media story in fiction, include.....
a.     tittle, point of view, style and tone.
b.     Theme,  plot, character and point of view.

III.           Study of Fiction

·       What is the purpose of the assessment work of fiction?
·       The form of what are the structural analisisis?
·        language as a system of signs and has two elements are inseparable : signifier and signified, signifiant and signifie”. Can you determine whether this theory?
o   Saussure Semiotic Theories
·       “a process where a sign has function as sign, a sign also to represent something that its marked. It always needs sign, object and interpretant”. What is the name of this process? Who are the originators of the process / theory is?
o   Hoed / pierce semiotic stories /semiosis
·       What is the purpose to study of intertextual?
·       Who is originators of postmodernism theory?
         Quiz Prose 2
1.                     “Theme is meaning of the story” is the definition from,,,,,
a.      Stanton                c.  Stanton and Kenny
b.      Kenny                   d. Hartoko and Rahmanto
2.                     Those are Problem of life experience, except,,,,,
a.      Love                     c. Heroism
b.      Dignity                 d. Follow
3.                   Love story as Azab dan Sengsara is popularized by ,,,,
a.      Merari Siregar    c. Navis               
b.      Muhtar Lubis      d. Nugroho
4.                      Place, time, social condition which become a place for the subject and object by the event. This statement is the meaning of ,,,,
a.      Characterictic     c. Setting
b.      Plot                       d. Story
5.      How many life experience level that Shipley differs?
a.      3                            c. 4
b.      5                            d.6
6.      What does the mean of “egoic”?
a.      Man as a molecul             c. Man as a protoplasm
b.      Man as a socious              d. Man as an individualism
7.      Man as protoplasm means ....
a.      Physicly                               c. Organic
b.      Social                                  d. Egoic
8.      Minor theme is closed meaning to ...
a.      Main theme                       c. Supplementary theme
b.      Complementary theme   d. Important theme
9.      Aristoteles assumed that story must be .......... that the first, midle and final sequence clearly.
a.      Reasonable                       c. Compatible
b.      Believeble                          d. Lovable
10.   What is the object of story and plot?
a.      Event                                  c. Character
b.      Point of view                     d. Setting
11.   It only tells about what and how about the continuing of the story. This is the difference of the .....
a.      Plot                                      b. Story
12.   Which one is the example of plot?
a.      “sang raja meninggal”.
b.      “sang raja meninggal, kemudian sang raja sedih”.
c.       “sang raja meninggal , kemudian sang permaisuri menyusulnya”.
d.     “sang raja meninggal, kemudian sang permaisuri menyusulnya karena sedih”.
13.   Chose the best statement below!
a.      Plot is highest and the most complex
b.      Plot is higher than story  but not too complex
c.      Plot is higher and complex than story
d.      Plot is story as higher and complex as story

14.   What is the different between story and plot?
15.   Who has been questioned the problem of tension between the real relationship with the imaginary in literature about mimetic theory and its creation? ARISTOTELES
16.   “In a work of fiction, the resemblance to reality is not a destination, but only a means to convey to the reader something more than reality itself”. It is true or not? T
17.   Novel rule will clarify the level of invention, because a lot of things associated with the truth it never existed and there, he can’t prove it. It true or not? F
18.   What is certain types of work that seems difficult to be categorized into fiction or nonfiction? GEOGRAPHY
19.   What is the element that more prominent in a work of fiction?
20.   What is exactly the tittle of this presentation?  STORY AND PLOT

Quis Prose 3
A.    Answer this question by analyzing the true or flase statement

1.     Introduction of character, environment, and place situation is the second step in fiction…(T/F)
2.     Physical setting is the setting of place and character…(T/F)
3.     social setting is the setting of culture, tradition, and trust…(T/F)
4.     The name of town or country included to typical setting…(T/F)
5.     Setting can be moved without changing the story…(T/F)

B.    Identification of Short story
The householder, who had been watching for the gentleman's return, met them in the passage, and showed the rooms. She informed them that she was a professional man's widow, left in needy circumstances by the rather sudden death of her husband, and she spoke anxiously of the conveniences of the establishment.
     Mrs. Marchmill said, “I liked the situation and the house; but, it being small,” there would not be accommodation enough, unless she could have all the rooms.
     When the twilight had come, The landlady mused with an air of disappointment. She wanted the visitors to be her tenants very badly, she said, with obvious honesty. But unfortunately two of the rooms were occupied permanently by a bachelor gentleman. He did not pay season prices, it was true; but as he kept on his apartments all the year round, and was an extremely nice and interesting young man, who gave no trouble, she did not like to turn him out for a month's "let," even at a high figure. "Perhaps, however," she added, "he might offer to go for a time."
     They would not hear of this, and went back to the hotel, intending to proceed to the agent's to inquire further. Hardly had they sat down to tea when the landlady called. Her gentleman, she said, had been so obliging as to offer to give up his rooms three or four weeks rather than drive the newcomers away.
     "It is very kind, but we won't inconvenience him in that way," said the Marchmills.
     "O, it won't inconvenience him, I assure you!" said the landlady eloquently. "You see, he's a different sort of young man from most - dreamy, solitary, rather melancholy - and he cares more to be here when the south-westerly gales are beating against the door, and the sea washes over the Parade, and there's not a soul in the place, than he does now in the season. He'd just as soon be where, in fact in the dawn, he's going temporarily to a little cottage on the Island opposite, for a change." She hoped therefore that they would come.
1.     Read the whole text completely
2.     Identify the setting of the story, including setting of time, place and social
setting of place: coastal area, beach, island, cottage in the beach
     Setting of time: twillight and dawn
     Setting of moral: middle status

3.     Identify the point of view and choose the level of each view
third person always knows.
4.     Is there any a mixture point of view? Show it.
yes, I and She.

5.     Explain what are the characteristic of the the third person limited.
Limited to just one character only
     - Often used for narrative techniques
        stream of consciousness
     - The narrator in this case it was as though a
        the camera serves to record
        and perpetuate an object

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

"The Red Badge of the Courage "

Book report

Lina Hidayatus Sholihah


  1. Book Title
The Red Badge of the Courage

  1. Theme
Henry Fleming's attempt to prove him a worthy soldier by earning his "red badge of courage.”

  1. Plot Summary
Henry Fleming, a youth who registered himself as an army in a war that he hopefully could bring it into the reality being a warrior of the war. He had waited this moment at that long time. When the war was begun, he trembled and confused because he never had a war experience before. When the enemies were coming he always thought about death so that he decided to flee. Although his regiment had won the war but he was still afraid to back there. He has no brave anymore at that time. As he met someone who fled like him he always asked “did you hurt?” they said “Yes” but when they asked him, he went off.
After all, Henry met an injured army, Jim Conklin. He melted with his struggle to survive though finally Jim died. He tried to be brave even it was rather difficult to overcome his fear of himself. In the middle of war, Henry’s head was hit by an opponent that made his head wounded. Then he back to his camp and met his jovial friends, Wilson and Simpson. They cured Henry kindly. Wilson asked Henry to give back his letter to his family if he died in the battlefield. Henry thought that not only him who was afraid of war but also Wilson, his friend. Afterwards, he changed his fear to his enemies become a strong anger and a leader of war. Henry Fleming had revolutionized himself from a coward, loser and less confident become a brave man and a responsible army. Yet he awoke and alived he was awared that it was a nightmare. The nightmare of a battle was in the past.

  1. characters and Characterization
    • Round Characters
      • Henry Fleming was firstly a coward young man and loser but finally he changed his frightened feeling become a brave man and a responsible army.
“Ma, I’am going to enlist.”

    • Flat Characters
      • Jim Conklin was a dead soldier. He was kind.
“I’ll tell you what I’am afraid of, Henry,” “I’am afraid I’ll fall down. And then one of those artillery wagons will run over me.”
      • Wilson was a jovial and kind man.
“We’ll have you fixed up in a minute.”
      • The corporal was Henry’s friend in the regiment. He was kind and care.
“By morning your head will feel hot and dry. And you may feel sick. But you’ll be ok. Now, you just sit here and don’t move.”
      • Lieutenant was protective.
“We’ll all get killed if we stay here. We’ve only got to go across that field.”

    • Protagonist
      • Henry Fleming
      • Jim Conklin
      • Wilson
      • Henry’s Mother
    • Antagonist 
      • The Confederate Army
      • Henry Fleming

  1. Setting
Time           American Civil War in the 1861-1865  
Place          in the fields and roads of the American South, as a Union regiment wanders through Confederate territory and encounters the enemy on the battlefield.
  1. Style
The high level style because it’s rather difficult to be understood because of many unknown vocabularies that I haven’t known.

  1. Point of View
The point of view in this novel is in the first-person narrative.

  1. Moral value
Don’t ever afraid to make a dream. Make your dream, use your creative way to reach it and wish that your dream will come true. A good and hard struggle will appreciate what you have done to get what you want to be.